Dateline- The month and year of the publication and with the price.
Main Image- The image that is on the front cover, usually a model is present.
Model Credit- The name of the model on the front cover. It is unusual for credits to appear on the front page, but it is done on fashion magazines.
Cover Line- Magazines use a lot of cover lines, which are put around the main image.
Main Cover line- This is a very large part that tells the main subject of the magazine.
Bar Code- Standard bar code used by retailers
Left Third- The left third of the magazine is used for sales in shops where that part of the magazine is not fully shown.
This LIFE special edition, "To the Moon and Back," chronicles the first moon landing, brought about by the courage of the Apollo 11 astronauts and the thousands of people who supported their mission. On the cover is a picture of Buzz Aldrin, taken by fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong. Along with color photographs of this historic walk on the moon, there are biographical sketches of Neil Armstrong, Edwin and Michael Collins. There is also a history of manned space exploration from the first single orbit around the earth orbit to the launch of Apollo 11. - See more at: